have overnighted. we found in a library in arkansas. this was the only one we could find of it. in this book, he outlined more than a dozen things he observed that were happening that would result in replacing the free enterprise system. he said the free enterprise system would be replaced by something he envisioned just called x. because the structure was still being molded. the name he threw around were socialism, state capitalism, which is exactly what the world is headed for. that s what the globalist call it. china, state capitalism. and fashionism. however, he these terms would only lead to confusion so he only called it x. here are the things he saw. he said the first one is a strong centralized government. now do we have strong centralized government? executive arm growing at the expense of legislative arms? how many elected czars are there in the administration? the number three thing on the
recently. heavy taxation and state control of communications. got it? now why does it matter? why am i bringing up this dusty book? this author, stuart chase. he observed capitalism replaced slowly but surely. he wrote about this in 1932. he wrote about all of this and he said this is what is coming. do you know why? because he was the guy who wrote a book titled a new deal. sound familiar? yeah. that new deal. f.d.r. made the new deal a part of his speech when he accepted the democratic presidential nomination the same year. he was part of f.d.r. s kitchen cabinet. in 193, the president told chase s father his son was teaching the american people more about economics than any of the others combined. sadly, you may not know about stuart chase, the man who saw the future, the man who
to you. i don t know how else to put it. i mean, it s not wrong. but this is evil. it is evil. how much more do your neighbors need before they start to wake up and start reading, stop name-calling and just look at the facts? let me go back to this, rules for radicals. do you remember the dedication in the book rules to radicals? it s this. to on the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did so, so effectively he at least won his own kingdom. lucifer. a book featured and highlighted on the nea recommended reading list. saul alinsky, simple formula for success. aggravate, agitate, educate and organize. one of the famous slogans for the fabian society was educate, agitate and organize.
list was control of credit banking and security exchanges by the government. they allow stakovers, massive new financial regulation. another characteristic was the underwriting of employment through government through armament or public work. how about the temporary jobs for 225,000 census workers. number five, underwriting of social security of the government, the old age mother pension, unemployment insurance and the like. social security, check. pensions for unions. unemployment insurance, done. if you look at the list, is there anything on the list we haven t accomplished? anything? that is just the first baker s dozen. give you a few more. then why, why would we go to all the trouble to find this book? when the war ends. why would we go to all this trouble? who cares? why is it important? we ll tell you next.
progressive mask and the nightmare ideas that are coming. from them. c mon! glenn: hello, america. i want to talk to you tonight and again i want to lead with this. do not ever, please ever take my word for anything. you do your own homework. you look it up. i wouldn t have believed these things three years ago. when i found them three years ago i thought this book must be crazy or this historian is nuts. no. it is all there. just nobody ever pieces it altogether because the progressives control can our history in our schools. but all the documentation in their own handwriting, in their own words, you will see some of it tonight. it s all there.