Huang Yongyu, a self-taught painter who began producing art aged 14, was beloved in China for his ink paintings of animals. He had been preparing for his centennial exhibition next year when he died.
‘So far, we consider recruitment standards for inspectors and customs officers to be relevant and suitable,’ Hong Kong Customs College commandant says.
The Government launched its first-ever defence of the local stock and futures markets with a concerted intervention which drove the Hang Seng Index 8.5 per cent higher.
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How ‘bad feng shui’ at Government House prompted Hong Kong’s first chief executive Tung Chee-hwa to abandon official residence Gary Cheung Hong Kong’s last governor Chris Patten’s car exits Government House on June 30, 1997. Photo: AP
Hong Kong s first chief executive Tung Chee-hwa was very concerned about feng shui at Government House where governors of the then British colony lived and worked, recently declassified records have revealed.
His concern eventually led to his rejection of the 19th-century mansion as his official residence.