Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, is arguably the most well-known play written in English, and time has not diminished its popularity or acclaim. The moody tragedy,.
Bradley Rohlf
Fly North Theatricals
St. Louis, MO Local theatre company, Fly North Theatricals will present Forgottonia their new original musical about falling in love, coming of age, and seceding from the United States, streaming for free on YouTube from January 8 - 31, 2021. It will be their first full-scale production since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Forgottonia is a “historical half-truth” about the events surrounding a real life secessionist movement in rural Western Illinois beginning in 1968. While tempests like Nixon and Vietnam rage far from her hometown of Colchester, IL, on this island in the corn, Jane Horn, her peculiar brother Jack, and acting-school drop out Neal Gamm are stuck in the doldrums. However, life is up-ended when a train breaks down in the middle of town bringing the outside world to the middle of Colchester and teeing off a sequence of events that will lead Jane, Jack, and Neal far from home. Fly North Theatricals’ production stars