The first step towards a fit and leaner body is to get on your feet, and take more steps, and most experts recommend taking 10,000 steps or more through the day for that to happen. When the idea of hitting the gym and working out for hours together to lose weight does not seem like a do-able option, there is an easiest way to stay active and to make sure you are burning calories, and that’s by putting one step before another. You can burn considerable amount of calories each week by making sure you are on the feet for most pat of the day, and trying to achieve a target of 10,000 steps and more because it can burn up to 0.5 kg a week. Research has proven that certain fat-burning enzymes shut down when you sit for a few hours at one place, without moving and when you get up on your feet and take a few steps, these enzymes will restart and get the fat-burning process into motion. So, if you are someone who is trying to lose weight but does not know where to start, it would be a good