making republicans show that they have no plan in response. plus, alarming suggestions tha the administration might b taking a right turn on immigration. and why are republicans so afraid to blame trump for th events of january 6th? i am julián castro, let s ge started. spring is right around the corner and joe biden i breaking out his gordon shares the president formally unveile his new budget proposal this week, aiming to cut the federa deficit by projected three trillion dollars over the next decade in part through a new 25% ta on billionaires. other provisions of the plan the corporate tax rate would increase from 21% to 28% there is an increase in capita gains taxes along with it, and to the interest loophole tax hikes and gas companies an acre tailing of covid relate spending now, to be clear, no one in th white house is saying that republican controlled houses will actually adopt presiden biden s budget and its current form, there will be plenty o wrangling and negoti
events of january 6th? i a julián castro, let s ge started. spring is right aroun the corner and joe biden i breaking out his garden shears the president formally unveile his new budget proposal this week, aiming to cut the federa deficit by projected three trillion dollars over the next decade. in part through a ne 25% tax on billionaires. other provisions of the plan, th corporate tax rate would increase from 21% to 28%. ther is an increase in capital gain taxes along with it, and to th interest loophole. tax heights for oil and gas companies, and a curtail of covid related spending now, to be clear, no one in th white house is saying that republican controlled houses will actually adopt presiden biden s budget and its current form, there will be plenty o wrangling and negotiation in the weeks to come. so wh doesn t matter? the budget proposal is a sign of th presidents priorities, who h wants to help, and what he wants to accomplish with the rest of his term. in effect, i
they hyped up the durham repor which is expected to be a dad. do you really think this won t and this would end any differently for them you know, honestly, we ve seen this from republicans before the deflection, the ways i which there are a revision o history. we ve seen this before so, no, i think this is a part of thei playbook it is to create a lot of smoke and mirrors by launching fak and baseless investigation against people who are actuall trying to hold them accountable, creating false narratives abou what actually happened that da and what the impact was, and what their role in was i think so many people like to just talk about this as an issue with the former presiden but, honestly, there was collusion by several sitting
i think it is incredibly important that the media and leaders and the american publi don t let him get away wit both the silence, which is complicit here but also th pushback on the false narrativ that republicans are trying to create around january six. the imagery that you re showin there has shocked th conscience it was clear that we are almos going to lose our democracy so what you re seeing of congress from republicans is a little embarrassing and really on u to make sure that we don t get away with the, that we pus back on it, and that we do wha we can to strengthen our democracy. it s still at risk alicia, let s talk abou this investigation into th january six committee. we ve seen this playbook fro the gop before on investigatin the investigators. they hyped up the durham repor which is expected to be a duck do you really think this won t and this would end any differently for them you know, honestly, we ve seen this from republicans
horowitz allegedly expected to deliver a much different finding on that. although that was not his early mandate. his mandate was to look into fisa abuse. this would explain the delay, after delay, after delay, and also the recent leaking that has been going on, which has been rampant. assuming this is true, if the obama-appointed horowitz does not conclude on the basic issues that we all know to be established fact, premeditated fraud on the fisa court, repeatedly. at the end of the day, the ag is signaling that the durham repor, is where all of the action will be on everything. and we do need to remember a couple of important facts here. remember the inspector general has no power to convene a grand jury. has no power to bringg indictments. has no power to bring charges. durham does have all of that power. and remember that this is now officially a criminal investigation that has expanded into many of the issues thats will be in next week s report. and again, i hear it is very damnin