Last night, at around 11pm, a large number of police officers arrived at the eNkanini Occupation in Cato Crest, not far from the eKhenana Commune. The number plates had been removed from their cars, and their faces were masked. They had someone with them, also masked, who took them to particular homes. The residents report that they thought that the police officers were not local, and that they heard them saying that they had a list of ten people to arrest. They first went straight to Vusi .
While the DA prepares to open a criminal case over a R5.1m personal protective equipment tender, the KwaZulu-Natal arts and culture portfolio commission believes there was no foul play involved.
While the DA prepares to open a criminal case over a R5.1m personal protective equipment tender, the KwaZulu-Natal arts and culture portfolio commission believes there was no foul play involved.
Police Minister Bheki Cele says eight people have been arrested in connection with two separate KwaZulu-Natal mass murders that happened on the same day earlier this month.
Police Minister Bheki Cele says eight people have been arrested in connection with two separate KwaZulu-Natal mass murders that happened on the same day earlier this month.