Is the timeline and how will it be communicated to the effected neighborhoods i want to put that out there you dont have to answer that but i have a question about the Grant Program every 10 million 2 additional rate. 2 in annual expenditures and how quickly were spending the money. Okay and i think you answered my question about the Grant Program but you touched on 13 applicants so i do work on any house hoimg before i get reimbursed. It is a multiple step youll submit an application until we get a signed agreement we do the heavy lifting to make sure that meets the tints of the program it is a new program but the last one straightforward took 5 weeks first page when we received the application to get permits through the construction, etc. , etc. And then the cost of reimbursements the reimbursement should be on the order of several weeks just 4 weeks was the target for the reimbursement once they submit a request for reimbursements theyll be able to get the check in the mail in 4 wee
Special meeting january 26th and january 29th special meeting is there a motion to approve the minutes. So moved and second any comes, questions. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The minutes are approved next item, please. General Public Comment mr. Da costa good afternoon. Good afternoon commissioners first and foremost i want to thank the commissions and others that attended the services for dr. Espanola jackson so i hope i heard the people that spoke at that service judge quinton and george and some others so what really happens when an advocate passes away it is difficult to fill the shoes of the advocate and nobody can fill the shoes of dr. Espanola jackson because she had a unique way of disarming and at the same time making a point i know you for coming too very much so advocates if they have their heart in the right place we expect the commissioners to center your heart in the right place we need to Work Together to make the right decisions for example, when the San Francisco
Call the roll. Commissioner Vice President moran commissioner courtney commissioner kwon we have quorum. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Item 3 is pitifully special meeting january 26th and january 29th special meeting is there a motion to approve the minutes. So moved and second any comes, questions. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The minutes are approved next item, please. General Public Comment mr. Da costa good afternoon. Good afternoon commissioners first and foremost i want to thank the commissions and others that attended the services for dr. Espanola jackson so i hope i heard the people that spoke at that service judge quinton and george and some others so what really happens when an advocate passes away it is difficult to fill the shoes of the advocate and nobody can fill the shoes of dr. Espanola jackson because she had a unique way of disarming and at the same time making a point i know you for coming too very much so advocates if they have their heart in the right place
Lows as investors weigh the first decline in u. S. Stockpiles in weeks. Refiners reduce their tax burden, which is calculated on supplies as years and. Market share is ahead of price. Taking a look at the markets, lunch. Ng closed for here is how they were trading in the morning session. Singapore,icture in tokyo, and mumbai. Tokyo stocks sinking for a third day as the yen surges the most in three months. Rude oil resumes its decline amid concerns over supply. Back in 30 minutes. Time now for bloomberg west. Emily i am emily chang and you are watching bloomberg west. Coming up, this been cycle at yahoo . The company changing gears again. They will hold onto alibaba core and spin off its business. Apple changes channels. The Company Reportedly pulling the plug on plans for a Live Tv Service, ramping up efforts to develop apps for tb providers. Tv providers. If you work at a airbnb, they are shopping topping a new list of best places to work. Lead. To the another change of course at yaho
Of fund for the 20142015 Substance Abuse services in 69 million plus and do recommend you approve that proposed resolution. Thank you, mr. Rose any questions for our budget analyst okay moving on to Public Comment seeing no one in the chambers colleagues do i have a motion to approve and have a motion to approve well take that without objection. Madam clerk, any other business before this committee . Theres no further business. Thanks everyone we are adjourned good afternoon, well call this meeting of the Historic Preservation meeting to order. This is the San Francisco Historic Preservation meeting to order. I will remind you we do not tolerant any outburst or disruption of any kind. Please silence any mobile devices that may sound off and before speaking before the commission, if you care for, do state your name for the record. Id like to take roll at this time. roll call . Commissioners, first on your agenda is general Public Comment. At this time members of the public may address t