The JROTC program at Huntsville High School is officially out of this world.
Formerly affiliated with the Air Force, the unit in March became one of only 10 JROTC programs in the United States to be designated as part of the U.S. Space Force.
Retired Lt. Col. David Murphy, the senior aerospace science instructor at Huntsville High, said it is an honor to be one of the first and few Space Force JROTC units in the country.
The designation was based on several factors, he said: Huntsvilleâs proximity to Marshall Space Flight Center and the fact that Huntsville Highâs JROTC program was named a distinguished unit for five of the past seven years, and was Alabamaâs top Air Force JROTC unit in 2016 and 2020.
Your Kid Can Teach You to Lose Better, Says Kyle Busch
The NASCAR driver, on watching his son win and staying humble. May 4, 2021
I thought beingadad would be about passing wisdom onto my 5-year-old son, Brexton, getting ready to hand him the keys to a good life.
Instead, he’s taught me a lot about how to tune the passion that drives me.
I’m a stock car racer, from a family full of racers. I’m most comfortable in my No. 18 Toyota Camry cruising at 200 miles per hour.
But the cliché you hear about fatherhood is true: Nothing is faster than how fast your kids seem to grow up. Take it from a guy who understands speed.