setting this guy up to talk about how putin and encouraging him to go on. how trump is putin s dupe. joining the senate intelligence committee. that s the big difference. that changes the course of the investigation. that clearly is not the case in the house. very undisciplined, partisan, secretive, inappropriate and totally not credible. just wrong. backed up by sean spicer. atrocious performance nunes has put in, i don t see how that is a credible investigation. it s not. the nunes piece is going to get even more interesting and more baffling than it is now if you consider a couple of things. first of all, his crazy behavior. everybody las read about that. the sources as revealed by the washington post, new york times, wall street journal, met three employees of the national security council in washington, d.c. they re not out in maryland
russia and wiretapping and unending lies and rattling our allies. they re counting on you to be a delusional dupe who didn t even know what was in the bill you were sitting around in a bath robe getting your information from whack-a-doodles on fox news and peppering aides with the query, is this really a good bill? you got played. it took w. years to smash everything. you re way ahead of schedule. and i can say you re doing badly, because i m a columnist and you re not. say hello to everyone, okay? sincerely, maureen. bob costa coming up.
over the past several weeks, he is not going to be a dupe for donald trump, and there are a lot of republicans, sadly that i know and respect, who have decided they will be a dupe for donald trump. and that they have got to live with that. but mitch mcconnell is just he is showing, i think, real toughness and a real character, you know, taking the president to task at twitter saying, you know what? there are some other people in washington that pretty good at this politics thing too. and i think that is a good example. i mean, listen. republicans need somebody to look up to and respect in this country that aren t okay with donald trump lying every day, aren t okay with fantastic promises, that aren t okay with him trashing the courts. mitch mcconnell is not okay with him tracker the courts and he said so. not okay with him trashing the
there s a new order. it s us. and you fred s of america, you don t want to be the last one still trusting america come of this bus is leaving, if you get on the bus right now, we ll take care of you. tucker: the deep irony in your theory is this would make the american media which hates trump a dupe of russian propaganda, they re the ones were being controlled by russian propaganda. it would be the first time. what does putin want, he wants to keep crimea exactly what you said, he wants to keep crimea and ukraine. he is going to go and offer trump a grand bargain, i will help you in syria if you let me keep crimea. if that s a bargain that only a week american president would make, he was not going to make that bargain. what s the inducement for him running to that bargain? he has so many cards that he s holding that trump can t counte counter. , that putin can t counter. if he s a kleptocratic, he governs by criminality.
and you people, you friends of america, you don t wantre to be the last one still trusting america. this bus is leaving, if you get on the bus right now, we ll take care of you. tucker: the deep irony in your theory is this would make the american media which hates trump a dupe of russian propaganda, they re the ones were being controlled by russian propaganda. it wouldn t be the first tim time. what does putin want? he wants to keep crimea, exactly what you said. he wants to keep crimea, he wants to keep ukraine. he wants to go and offer trump a grand bargain. i will help you in syria, if you letou me keep crimea. that s a bargain that only a week american government would make. he is not going to make that bargain. with the inducement for him running the barking? he has so many cards that he s holding that trump can t counter. putin can t counter. if he s a kleptocratic, he governs by criminality. he extends his criminal