COMMUNITY PROJECTS. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Executive Director Gwendolyn Bambalan (left) hands over one of the completed agroforestry support facilities to Nueva Vizcaya officials on Thursday (Jan. 13, 2022). Some PHP111.8 million worth of infrastructure projects were turned over to five local government units in the province. (Photo courtesy of DENR-Region 2) BAYOMBONG, Nueva Vizcaya - The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in Cagayan Valley has turned over PHP111.8 million worth of infrastructure projects to five local government units (LGUs) in this province. DENR Regional Executive Director Gwendolyn Bambalan said in an interview Friday that she and provincial chief Giovannie Magat handed the completed agroforestry support facilities (ASF) to Nueva Vizcaya Rep. Luisa Lloren Cuaresma, local officials of Ambaguio, Kayapa, Dupax Del Sur, Dupax Del Norte, and Kasibu, and people's organizations. The facilities constructed under th