Thirty years after the establishment of the bilateral diplomatic ties, the relationship between Vietnam and the Republic of Korea (RoK) has been thriving across various fields, in which culture cooperation is considered an important pillar in the bilateral ties.
Artists of Vietnam and the Republic of Korea (RoK) are cooperating to produce a play titled “Ben khong chong” (Quay of the spinsters), the first work in a long-term project on cultural exchange between the two countries.
Spectacles, rencontres et animations diverses rythmeront les derniers mois de l’année 2022 au palais Jacques-Cœur, à Bourges, au château de Bouges et au domaine de George-Sand, à Nohant (Indre), gérés par le Centre des monuments nationaux. À commencer, bien sûr, par les Journées européennes du patrimoine, ce week-end.