The Becker County Board on April 4 agreed to match up to $20,000 toward the revamped tram system, and private fundraising is expected to raise as much or more, Commissioner John Okeson said.
Two sisters were reportedly fighting on Saturday, according to an emergency dispatch report. A 13-year-old girl, of Detroit Lakes, reported a leg injury, but no medical transport was required. A 24-year-old Detroit Lakes woman was arrested at the scene.
BOARD MEETING AS POSTED BECKER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DATE: TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2022, at 8:15 a.m. LOCATION: Board Room, Courthouse Agenda/Minutes: Meeting was brought to order by Board Chair Knutson. Commissioners in attendance: Knutson, Nelson, Grimsley and Vareberg, County Administrator Pat Oman and minute taker Amanda Pachel Not in attendance: Commissioner Okeson Pledge of Allegiance Agenda Confirmation – Add #4 Sheriff- Sale of unused metal detectors, #3 Environmental Services – Resolution #03-22-2M, and Closed Session after Becker County Soil & Water – to discuss labor relations strategy regarding Minnesota Teamsters Public Employees’ Union Local No. 320 Courthouse, Human Services Contact. Minutes – moved and seconded to approve minutes of March 1, 2022, with the requested changes (Grimsley, Nelson) carried. Commissioners: Open Forum: No one was present. Reports and Correspondence: Reports were provided on the following meetings: Commissioner Nelson: Courthous