All of the applications can be viewed via the planning section of Cotswold District Council’s website. Proposed new private equestrian facilities comprising a change of use from agriculture to equestrian use, erection of an indoor riding arena with a linked stable building, outdoor riding arena, sand paddocks, gallops, associated infrastructure, demolition of two outbuildings and construction of a temporary access track for construction purposes. At Duntisbourne House, Duntisbourne Abbots, Cirencester. Ref. No: 21/00466/FUL Status: Awaiting decision Ref. No: 21/00352/FUL Status: Awaiting decision Fell apple tree, so as not to interfere with proposed garden office studio construction. The tree is of low amenity value and the fruit produced is not edible. No birds are nesting in the tree At Three Gables, Charlton Road, Tetbury.