connecticut have hammered out some agreement on red flag laws. i think that s good. i think we ought to have a bipartisan show of anti-violence, anti-white supremacy and antiwhite nationalism passed. i think background checks ought to be opened up and done. i think they ought to look at the high capacity magazines. i think all these things ought to be on the table. it s going to be hard to get to any of it if one side wants to spend all just take responsibility for what your president is doing. he s calling countries shitholes. he said people from mexico are rapists and drug dealers and criminals. this guy is insighting rhetoric encouraging people to engage in caesar sayoc was sentenced to 20 years in prison, the guy who sent pipe bombs because of donald trump s rhetoric.
shooter in el paso was consumed by racist hate. he said america must condemn white supremacy. do you give trump any credit for saying those things? reporter: here is the problem. every single day he literally wakes up and tweets something that divides america or says something at a rally. and it s always good for a president to try to bring people together. he has tried to tear us apart day after day after day. my problem here specifically is when he had his moment after ch charlottesville tlmpt are not two sides. there is only one side, that s the american side. and when you look at all of the hatred that he has fuelled against immigrants to the point where in my state i heard from a family who went out to dinner during the height of his
a manifesto which warned that he was going to commit a massacre because of an hispanic invasion. it was a very specific word and a specific word which echoes this. this is an invasion. when you see these caravans starting out with 20,000 people, that s an invasion. we re on track for a million illegal aliens to rush our borders. people hate the word invasion, but that s what it is. we re stopping people at the border. this is an invasion and nobody s even questioning that. it s impossible to not hear that when you hear this person post the word invasion online, isn t it? i think that the first question you asked is does the president s rhetoric matter? of course, it does. all political rhetoric matters. i wish he had given it two years ago. this is part of the job of the president is to be our consoler in chief, to comfort the nation
president obama offering an obvious rebuke of president obama saying we should soundly reject language coming out of the mouths of any of our leaders that feeds a climate of fear and hatred and suggest that other people including immigrants threaten our way of life or refer to other people as subhuman or imply that america belongs to just one certain type of people. pretty stunning and obvious rebuke. president trump also today rejecting hate speech but failing to acknowledge the shooter in el paso posted a manifesto online consumed by racist hate.
include something that has to do with a red flag law. we have been talking about background checks for years. the nra has forced republcans not to address the issue. now under pressure because there were two shootings in one weekend, you say they might do something. 21 people were shot and killed i m supposed to be happy that senator mitch mcconnell might do something. that s not acceptable. i want to give you a chance to respond. they could come back. i think most of them would be willing to do that. if they wanted to do that, they could do it. i think everybody would agree with that. scott, i want to ask you because i want to give you a chance to respond. he pleaded guilty to sending pipe bombs to numerous democrats. his lawyers said he nound they said we believe the president s rhetoric contributed to the actions in this offense. his own lawyers are admitting he was motivated by the president.