it s called dungeons and dragqueens. any lube or stuff you need, hit me up. but now she was about to try something new. i m going to escape from my unit and go to a baptism, hopefully get dunked in the water, have a wet t-shirt contest, praise jesus. you know? yeah. that kind of thing. i m just doing i m not really a bible thumper. i believe in god. i m actually doing it to get out of the unit. it s that boring in here. yeah, uh-huh. she was talking about the baptism as if it was something to kill time, something fun to do. and then there was a moment where she really stopped and realized what she was doing and then she began to get emotional. stalbird says the recent death of a good friend caused her to re-evaluate her life. i just had a moment where a moment of clarity, i guess. what happened? confusion, anger, hostility.
person has a baby for the first time, the feeling s like, wow. i created that. i miss it. i miss the smell. but i also miss the smell of my kids. i have twin boys. they were taken when they were 4 months old. i used to sit on the corner with binoculars and watch them play in the front yard. because i [ bleep ] up. shortly after the interview, stalbird regained her composure, picked up her pass and made her way to the jail chapel for the baptism, an event that just a short time before hopefully get dunked in the water, have a wet t-shirt contest, praise jesus.
called dungeons and drag queens. any lube or stuff you need, hit me up. but now she was about to try something new. i m going to escape from my unit and go to a baptism, hopefully get dunked in the water, have a wet t-shirt contest, praise jesus. i m not really a bible thumper. i believe in god. i m actually doing it to get out of the unit. it s that boring in here. she was talking about the baptism as if it was something to kill time, something fun to do. and then there was a moment where she really stopped and realized what she was doing and then she began to get emotional. she says the recent death of a good friend caused her to reevaluate her life. i had a moment of clarity, i guess. what happened? confusion, anger, hostility. a lot of frustration, a lot of
i miss the smell. but i also miss the smell of my kids. i have twin boys. they were taken when they were four months old. i used to sit on the corner with binoculars and watch them play in the front yard. because i [ bleep ] up. shortly after the interview, stalbird regained her composure, picked up her pass and made her way to the jail chapel for the baptism, an event that just a short time before hopefully get dunked in the water, have a wet t-shirt contest, praise jesus.
any lube or stuff you need, hit me up. but now she was about to try something new. i m going to escape from my unit and go to a baptism, hopefully get dunked in the water, have a wet t-shirt contest, praise jesus. i m not really a bible thumper. i believe in god. i m actually doing it to get out of the unit. it s that boar in here. she was talk about the baptism as if it was something to kill time, something fun to do. and then there was a moment where she really stopped and realized what she was doing and then she began to get emotional. she says the recent death of a good friend caused her to reevaluate her life. i had a moment of clarity, i guess. what happened? on fusion, anger, hostility. a lot of frustration, a lot of