THE first photograph in this week s trip down West Fife s Memory Lane is of a view looking up Holyrood Place towards St Margaret’s RC Church, taken from where Sinclair Gardens roundabout is today. The buildings in the foreground have long since been demolished. The church is currently undergoing extensive remedial work, though the scaffolding that shrouded it recently has now been taken down, revealing what an impressive building the church is. Our next photograph is from the Press archives showing how the church looked in 1996 when it was floodlit against the night sky. In the early 19th century, the Catholic population in Dunfermline was very low, as noted in Chalmers History of Dunfermline: Roman Catholic congregation founded 1823. Having no resident priest, they meet in the houses of two of their number who conduct the usual services but of course do not perform mass. As numbers grew subsequently, a missionary priest, a native of Dunfermline who came from a well-re