WESTERN BUREAU: AT A time when communities across Jamaica are grappling with water shortages and having consistent water supply during drought conditions, 10-year-old Hanover resident Chevelle Quarrie has demonstrated much-needed insight into the.
WESTERN BUREAU: TAMIKA DAVIS, the member of parliament for Hanover Western, has welcomed Prime Minister Andrew Holness’ recent announcement of a US$209-million (J$32.2 billion) water reliability programme. The project will provide a water supply to.
DUNDEE PEN, Hanover Jenita Morris was a bit sceptical last year when her father was promised a new concrete house to replace the dilapidated board structure in which he lived.
However, she was.
Jamaica Public Service (JPS) has announced several maintenance-related power outages for Monday, October 10 and Tuesday, October 11, in sections of at least seven parishes.
The light and power company gave notice in a series of tweets on Twitter.
Like me, you’ve probably found that listening to old songs can transport you back in time. Memories associated with the music flood your brain and so too can the associated emotions Research suggests that because emotions enhance memory processes and music evokes strong emotions, music could help us.