Moment like this. Hes the best. Thank you for having him on. You bet. In may, 2016, you could find this bombshell on news stands and at the Supermarket Checkout in your local grocer. It was everywhere. Ted cruzs father linked to Jfk Assassination top u. S. Spy exposes president ial race bombshell the blood money, the mission, and the coverup. There was blood, too. That was the cover of the National Enquirer alleging the father of senator ted cruz had been handing out communist propaganda with Lee Harvey Oswald a few months before oswald killed jfk, which could only mean ted cruz father was involved in the Jfk Assassination. It was a stretch, but at the time, trump was running against cruz for the republican president ial nomination. Trump was already well on his way to becoming the nominee, but cruz was still hanging on, and he refused to leave the race much to trumps vexation. Once the inquiry came out with the conspiracy involving cruzs dad trump wasted no time promoting it. By morni
if he runs for president, like, he s so stupid, he plays so stupid. this yale and harvard guy. they ve got signs popping up in florida that says, make florida america again. it doesn t even make any sense. really weird. i want to get a sign, and maybe we put a dunce hat on ron that says, maybe a whirly hat, make desantis smart again. if he went to yale and harvard, i don t know, i m a southern state school guy, but they re supposed to be pretty smart folk up there. it s a shame. they re all trump desantis. i don t know how his dad got him into school, but he got into penn. then you have desantis, yale and harvard. you have ted, princeton and harvard. then you ve got i mean, all these guys that are playing dopes on television, like you said, it is so insulting, this populist game they play.
college, the diploma is often nothing more than a dunce hat in disguise or something like that. and so, the way to think of it of the elite colleges were educating people, and giving them a great education, they should be just doubling or tripling the enrollment. oh and what sort of business is doing something great for its customers and doesn t increase the number of its customers? that s a really weird business. the closest analogy that i can come up with is that it s something like the studio 54 night club. you incredibly long line outside, only a few people get in and the value comes from being exclusionary. they are not exclusive. they are exclusionary and that s where the value comes from. if you think of it as the stanford or yale or harvard eat studio 54 nightclub that you are running comments perhaps good for the prestige and the status of the students. maybe it s better for their morals but it certainly doesn t deserve a tax exemption. why do you think that
howard after being hit in the head. does anybody else notice that the stupidest people no longer have a dunce hat on in the room. the stupidest person now has a gavel for god s sakes. she has no idea what benghazi is. she thinks it s one of the three actors of john and peter faulk in the film husbands. she ekdn t make it into jeff dunham s act. look at that glazed over look on her face. who better to address a town hall than the village idiot? makes patty murray look like marie curry. is that all? sorry. i m crazy words in there or anything like that? no, no. same stuff i told a shrink for $400 an hour. now you pay me. dennis miller, everybody. we have two new bold and
rude to me as you are to mika, they d be sent principal. mika, you need your own show. you need to go to the principal s office. do you have another one? i have to be honest. the all the questions are why we have donny on this morning. i think that s a good question. by the way, he s not kidding. the level of they hate you. why is that? i don t know. i m going to ask you to go stand in the corner, okay? that one right there. put your handsbehind your back and put your face against the wall and stand in the corner i m going to say for a good ten minutes. that would be a good time out. make him wear a dunce hat. there we go. everything s going be okay. just stand in the corner. coming up, we re going to talk to ken feinberg. in the corner, joe. [ sneezes ]