Exolgan Container Terminal, which handles over 40 percent of the total container volume at the Port of Buenos Aires, has implemented ABB’s Crane OCR with QuayPro module for all of its seven STS cranes. QuayPro automatically tracks the location of containers discharged from and loaded to a vessel, significantly increasing the accuracy of BAPLIE (bayplan/stowage .
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An 11-year-old Perthshire boy has been presented with the Tay Ghillies Association Salmon Conservation Award for his “outstanding” contribution to the field.
Liam Crees was awarded the Duncan Glass trophy by Chairman of the Tay Ghillies Association Cohn O’Dea.
Liam was praised as being an “example” for other anglers.
‘Exemplary’ angler
A keen angler, Liam caught three salmon in one day on the Taymount beat – all caught on the fly.