Mammootty, the renowned actor in South Indian cinema, has a captivating journey that defies conventional measures of success. Before stepping into the spotlight, Mammootty pursued a career in law. Hailing from the humble village of Chempu in Kerala, India, Mammootty was raised in a middle-class Muslim family. After completing his education, he earned a degree in law from Government Law College, Ernakulam, and practiced law for two years in Manjeri.
The weekend is almost here and if you are searching for some good and entertaining films to binge-watch, then take a look at the top 7 good Telugu movies on Amazon Prime.
Movies like 2018, Manjummel Boys, and Aavesham have made record-breaking collections worldwide. However, they are also devoid of significant female characters.
Tamil superstar Rajinikanth recently received the Golden Visa from United Arab Emirates Culture and Tourism department. Read on. - Watch: Superstar Rajinikanth Receives Golden Visa From UAE s Culture and Tourism Department: I am Grateful
A scoop from Tollywood hints that Kalki 898 ADs Bujji is a specially made, realistically built flying car with a budget of Rs 7 Crore. The makers of the film have signed an arrangement with Mahindra to build this new model of automobile.