RIYADH: Following the sighting of the crescent moon on Wednesday evening, it has been announced that the five-day Eid Al-Adha celebration will begin on July 9. This will be the 10th day of Dul Hijjah, the 12th month of the Islamic Hijri calendar. The Eid Al-Adha celebrations commemorate the Prophet Ibrahim’s devotion to Allah. As a test of Ibrahim’s commitment to obeying his
Allah the Almighty preferred some months to others, some days to others and some nights to others and selected specific times in the year to be seasons of worship and righteous deeds, and in these blessed times the reward for righteous deeds is multiplied and sins are forgiven. One of these blessed times is the Day of Arafat which is the 9th of the month of Dul-Hijjah (the
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