enough votes to derail the deal. 42 senators currently support the agreement, which is two more votes than needed to keep aopponents from scuttling it. role cal report today said republican leaders are reportedly taking up other legislation saying that the president has not held up his side of the bargain. earlier hillary clinton gave a speech where she expressed her support for the agreement. either we move forward on the path of diplomacy and seize this chance to block iran s path to a nuclear weapon, or we turn down a more dangerous path leading to a far less certain and riskier future. that is why i support this deal. i support it as part of a larger strategy towards iran. clinton also made clear she would not allow iran to cheat on the deal. my starting point will be one of distrust. you remember president reagan s line about the soviets? trust by verify. my approach will be distrust and verify. the iranians and the world need to understand that we will act decis