Movie was the subject of peace negotiations between the north and the south at the very end of the civil war, which is the subject of the book. Its a shorthand way for me to introduce it to people because most people who have the fainted faintest interest in the subject will have seen the movie. The cover of the book is on the projector, which redepicts a meeting between lincoln and grant and sherman and admiral porter, who was the senior Union Admiral at the time. On the steamship river queen which was the air force one of its time, as i like to think of it. And it was the chamber, or the compartment on the river queen that you see on the cover of the book that the peace conference took place, about a month or month and a half prior to this meeting between lincoln and his military leaders. The artist who painted the picture in 1868 entitled it the peacemakers which i have always thought was titled with some conscious irony that took light of the fact that the peace conference that had