If you take just a half hour to compile basic medical information, you’ll save yourself tons of time and stress especially in the case of an emergency. Here's what to include in a health file to be prepared.
All of Tonya Durham’s workdays start the same way with a 6 a.m. call to the Duke Health Clinical Staffing Department’s employee hotline to hear that day’s assignment. From there, her day – like
When you don't feel well, pulling yourself together to seek treatment at a clinic or hospital is sometimes needed. But what if you could get the care you needed and stay home? That's the goal of a new infusion being offered by Duke HomeCare & Hospice. Certain patients who test positive for COVID-19 are eligible for an infusion designed to decrease the risk of transmission, stimulate a stronger immune response, decrease symptoms and make it less likely a recovery in the hospital will be necessary.