7:00 AM July 3, 2021
Scenes from new mural at new community library at Silver Road Community Centre and Foodbank.
- Credit: Dan Fox
Norwich scenes based on children’s drawings feature in a mural created by a collective of artists at a new community library.
Local families helped create designs for the mural at new community library at Silver Road Community Centre and Foodbank.
- Credit: Dan Fox
The Dandies supplied 220 packs of pens and paper to the Silver Parcels Foodbank volunteers which were given out to families to get involved, with designs later featured in the finished product.
Group member Dugald Ferguson said: “The kids drawings are lovely. It’s so cool to see a range of drawings from people aged one to 50-years-old.
7:01 AM April 4, 2021
Artists are set to create six large-scale public art mural paintings based on drawings by users of venues.
- Credit: Norwich Dandies
A Norwich collective of artists will create six large-scale public art mural paintings based on drawings of users of venues including a children’s centre and a foodbank.
The Great Dandy Mural Project evolved from Norwich Dandies’ co-director,
Eloise O’Hare, setting up Eloise’s Isolation Art School on Facebook during the first
lockdown last April.
Aimed at showing how things found at home can be used for art projects one of the most popular concepts was to paint on windows with water-based paints that could be washed off afterwards.