soon to get a formal briefing on the humanitarian crisis here in poland where 2 million, more than 2 million ukrainians have arrived as refugees fleeing the war in their home country. also a key priority for the president is his current visit to poland, assurances that poland s defense that will be part of the meetings that the president has with the polish president due to those meetings expected fairly soon, to begin delayed earlier with the emergency landing issue with duda s plane but everything has been worked out since then. let s discuss what s going on with our chief international anchor, christiane amanpour. she s joining us right now. christiane, what kind of assurances on defense do you think poland is looking for right now? how concerned are they looking at what russia s doing in ukraine? well, back in london here, wolf, we were all together at the brussels summit which really was a show of force, not just in
devotion to the territorial integrity of ukraine vet this war should not be escalated and peace should be reinstated as soon as possible possible. neil: thank you very much. by the way, the prime minister is already calling on the european union to provide more and speedier aid, the polish president duda talking about the need to speed up military purchases not just for ukraine but poland itself as they move to beef up nato forces in all the neighboring forces the don t necessarily neighbor ukraine. that is necessary for what could be vladimir putin s next move even though he s had a devil of a time orchestrating just this move. griff jenkins has been
chef josé andre was there as well, a nonprofit is providing all the food to these refugees across poland and president biden got to talk with volunteers and shared what the children said to. president biden: each one of those children said say her prayer for my dad and my grandfather or my brother and i remember what it is like when you have someone in a war zone every morning, you just wonder about that phone call. they are an amazing group of people. reporter: yesterday biden and president duda, they are leaning a lot on nonprofit groups to give refugees shelter, medical attention, refugee agency has the reporting of large polish
that is sort of the de facto leader of europe. so there have been changes in the sort of international order of who is the leading influencer among nations and president duda and president biden view things differently on certainly some of the ideological and political views. when it comes to sovereignty and security here they re aligned and certainly on the issue of trying to protect ukraine, there s a lot where they can work together and with that, they can forge some stronger ties and have some common goals and that is a good thing for the two countries at this time and they can at least for now set aside some of the other issues that are not as dominant. also for president duda, he did talk about the economic interactions between poland and the united states. although war is prominent, there are other issues of the ongoing
union, or the expansion of russia to feel like what the soviet union used to be. yes. biden and duda have not been natural political partners and natural allies. president trump had more affinity for duda in style and temperament in some of his ideas. war changes things quickly and vladimir putin has done something that he did not intend and that is to fortify the alliances among free nations in ways that he certainly did not plan to, and that has brought together nato. vladimir putin very much against nato has wanted to see nato weakened and in fact, it has been strengthened by this as has the relationships in the g7, some of which have been changing where you have a new chancellor in germany and emanuel macron of france being the bigger leader of france now that angela merkel is no longer on the world stage