Vanderbilt University will expand its presence, reputation and impact around the globe with the appointment of a new vice provost for global engagement, who will lead efforts to bring the world to Vanderbilt and bring Vanderbilt to the world.
A 4D Fusion Puzzle
Physics 14, 30
Duco Jansen explains how he, along with engineers at the ITER fusion experiment, will position 1000-ton parts shipped in from the four corners of the globe.
D. Jansen/ITER
Last May, the ITER fusion experiment began its assembly phase. Originally known as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, the project in the south of France is a global effort to confirm the feasibility of a commercial nuclear-fusion reactor. The ITER Collaboration expects to complete construction in 2025, when the first tests with plasma “fuel” will start. But the experiment has already started, says Duco Jansen, ITER’s construction manager, as building the machine is a test in and of itself. In the assembly phase, Jansen has his hands full overseeing the assembly hall where giant cryostats, magnets, and other reactor pieces are fitted together one by one.