In Herm Suplizio’s quest to make DuBois, Pa., a destination, state prosecutors allege that he lined his own pockets with hundreds of thousands of public and nonprofit dollars.
Local news from and Centre County Partners. Read about The Inside Story of How One Man Remade a Small Pa. City While Allegedly Ripping Off His Neighbors and more from the State College, PA region
Sandy Township argues that Herm Suplizio’s alleged theft of public funds in DuBois and the city’s lack of oversight justify a delay of consolidation proceedings.
In a rare move, Sandy Township argues that Herm Suplizio’s alleged theft of public funds in DuBois and the city’s lack of oversight justify a delay of consolidation proceedings.
Local news from and Centre County Partners. Read about A Pa. Town Seeks to Pause Consolidation with Its Scandal Ridden Neighbor City and more from the State College, PA region