Midleton Opens Its First Dedicated Irish Whiskey Shop In Dublin
Midleton Opens Its First Dedicated Irish Whiskey Shop In Dublin
The world’s first Midleton Craft Collection Whiskey Store, a dedicated space housing Midleton Distilleries collection of Irish premium whiskeys in one boutique, recently opened in Dublin’s Brown Thomas department store.
The new store offers connoisseurs and collectors what’s described by the brand as a unique opportunity to explore, taste and purchase some of the rarest Irish whiskeys available.
The high-end whiskey boutique draws crowds to a large collection of rare and unique Irish whiskeys, including the first bottle of Midleton Very Rare Silent Distillery Collection Chapter Two to go on sale in Ireland.
It was February last year and emerging designers Richard Malone and Emily Adams Bode were on track for a banner year. Malone, a graduate of London’s Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, had just won the Woolmark Prize for a collection that impressed the judges with its organic approach to sustainability – “the No.1 issue in fashion right now”, as judge and Dior designer Kim Jones put it.
New York-based Bode, meanwhile, had taken out Woolmark’s inaugural Karl Lagerfeld Award for Innovation for her work using deadstock and recycled pieces to create vintage-inspired menswear.
Weeks before Australia and much of the world would go into lockdown, nobody at the London Fashion Week event could have predicted the crisis looming for the industry, or just how essential these young designers’ skills would soon become.