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100 Years Ago: 1921
Lisbon Falls and Durham yesterday adopted daylight saving and the Pejepscot paper company has decided to put all of the mills, Topsham, Pejepscot and Lisbon, on the new time. Saturday the town of Brunswick will hold a special town meeting to consider adopting daylight all the time. The banks, stores and all departments catering to the public are already on daylight time changing when Portland put it into effect. The town clock is still running on standard time.
50 Years Ago: 1971
A maintenance worker, Mike Martin has been fixing things at the Bates Mill for years. Now he’s put a new face on the clock. With a little old fashioned ingenuity and “a lot of tender love and care,” Martin managed to get the old clock in the mill bell tower running again. Martin is one of the few who have survived the mill’s decline. Martin said, “if it is broken, give us time and we can fix it. Fixing the clock and lighting up the bell tower is part of the p
Mike Spinelli, the founder of the Action 6 consortium and a former ASTA president, died on Feb. 6. Photo Credit: Courtesy of the Spinelli family.
Friends and colleagues of Mike Spinelli remembered him this week as a savvy businessman, a mentor and, most prominently, a tireless advocate for the travel agency community.
Spinelli, the founder of the Action 6 consortium and a former ASTA president, died on Saturday, Feb. 6. He was 88. I was always impressed by how well he related to travel advisors. He spoke their
language, said Stephen McGillivray, chief marketing officer of Travel
Leaders Group, who worked with Spinelli in three capacities over the years: