Undertaking his first foreign visit after assuming office, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Thursday left for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to participate in the Dubai Expo and invite industrialists in Gulf country to invest more in the southern state. Stalin, accompanied by a high-level delegation consisting of Industries Minister Thangam Thenarasu, Industries
In 2019, more than 5.6 million students travelled around the world to expand their horizons and get the best education possible, wherever it may be. The Covid-19 pandemic brought almost all of that to a standstill, forcing many students and families to put their education plans on hold.
Now as the world begins to open back up, students once again have the freedom to study abroad. In stark contrast to the past two years, there are now thousands of options to explore. But with high quality institutions at home and the whole world at their feet, how do students choose the right university for them?
Build the employable you at one of the world’s best universities
From Australia to the US, BMI’s UAE Global Education Fair is bringing more than 80 of the world’s top institutions to Dubai and Abu Dhabi on March 5-7.