Trinamool MP Abhishek Banerjee on Thursday said funds allotted for building embankments were "misused" in Purba Medinipur in Bengal, where people were recently left homeless due to flooding caused by Cyclone "Yaas".
Mamata Banerjee on Monday said that the state has incurred a total loss of more than Rs 20,000 crore due to Cyclone Yaas which battered the state last week and around 2.21 lakh hectare of crops were damaged. The chief minister said that the state has opened around 1200 relief camps in which 2 lakh odd people have taken shelter following the cyclone which made landfall in neighbouring Odisha on May 26. Around 2.21 lakh hectare of crops and 71,560 hectare of horticulture have been damaged in West Bengal by Cyclone Yaas. The state has incurred a total loss of more than Rs 20,000 crore, she told reporters at the secretariat.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday said that the state has incurred a total loss of more than Rs 20,000 crore due to Cyclone Yaas which battered the state last week and around 2.21 lakh hectare of crops were damaged.
Cyclone Yaas: Bengal government to begin relief at district levels
The victims, whose houses have been washed away by the Cyclone, or are victims of other losses also, will have to submit their handwritten applications in the drop boxes of the government offices at the block levels.
The state has also decided to set up 500 cyclone centres across Bengal.
West Bengal government will start Duare Tran or Relief at block levels in the districts affected by Cyclone Yaas.
The victims, whose houses have been washed away by the Cyclone, or are victims of other losses also, will have to submit their handwritten applications in the drop boxes of the government offices at the block levels.
Read more about Mamata Banerjee conducts aerial survey of cyclone-hit areas in Parganas on Business Standard. West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee conducted an aerial survey of cyclone-hit areas in North and South 24 Parganas districts, and directed officials to ensure people affected get relief materials