The America Boatbuilders Association was founded in 1992 with the objective of collectively buying engines, raw materials and manufactured products at better prices.
Mom Gets It. Do You?
Mother Yeargin now knows the power of organizational culture
Apr 26, 2021
Yeargin says his mother, retired for many years, was energized by the impact of an effective company culture.
Correct Craft
My mom, who has been retired for many years, worked much of her life in the medical field, mostly in small obsterics and gynecology offices. Having never worked for a large- or medium-size company, Mom was not versed in organizational culture. So when I recently invited her to watch the Culture Summit that our company, Correct Craft, was hosting online, she said she would watch the first part while I presented, but she was not planning to watch the rest.
Mom Gets It. Do You?
Apr 5, 2021
My mom, who has been retired for many years, worked much of her life in the medical field, mostly in small obstetrics and gynecology offices. Having never worked for a large- or medium-size company, Mom was not versed in organizational culture. So when I invited her to watch the recent Culture Summit that our company, Correct Craft, was hosting online, she said she would watch the first part while I presented, but that she was not planning to watch the rest.
After the Summit, I was surprised when she told me that after signing on, she could not stop watching. She loved hearing from the speakers, and she was energized by what she had heard. Mom had been inspired by the potential impact of a great organizational culture.
Culture Summit Available to Stream
Mar 10, 2021
Bill Yeargin of Correct Craft, Kris Carroll of Grady-White, Duane Kuck of Regal Boats and Paul Singer of Centurion and Supreme Boats at the Marine Industry Culture Summit.
Correct Craft announced that its Marine Industry Culture Summit, held virtually last week in Orlando, Fla., is available to stream.
This year’s two-hour, online summit drew an estimated 600 registrants. Last year, about 40 industry leaders participated in a two-day gathering in Orlando, Fla., to discuss the importance of culture in an organization.
Correct Craft president and CEO Bill Yeargin opened the event by discussing last year’s summit and sharing his thoughts on creating a culture mindset, citing examples from Correct Craft.
Culture Summit 2.0
Jan 22, 2021
Correct Craft announced it will host its second Marine Culture Summit on March 3 from 2 to 4 p.m.
Like last year, Correct Craft will underwrite the summit. However, this year’s event will take place virtually.
Correct Craft CEO Bill Yeargin aims to gather “organizational culture drivers” to discuss developing and driving strong cultures within their organizations.
“Last year’s Culture Summit was outstanding; attendees are still talking about how it positively impacted both them and their organizations,” Yeargin
said in a statement. “This year we will review what we learned in the last Culture Summit and also introduce new ideas. While we are disappointed that it won’t be in person this year, we are very excited about opening the event to many more participants.”