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Fauci Lied: Funding and Research, Authorized by Fauci and Collins, Continued Outside of US Government Ban

In 2014, The Obama Administration ordered a pause in the funding and conducting of gain-of-function research by all US Government agencies.  Despite that order, The NIH and NIAID, led by Dr. Francis Collins and Dr. Anthony Fauci, continued funding and conducting this research both within the US and at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Military Mobile Lab Leaders Forge Partnerships at German Biodefense Conference

Biodefense Headlines – 7 October 2021 - Global Biodefense

Das Problem der Biosicherheit - scinexx de

Das Problem der Biosicherheit 28. Juli 2021 Die Debatte um den Ursprung der Corona-Pandemie hat neben der politischen Dimension auch grundlegende Wurzeln. Denn sie steht im Kontext der Diskurse um Biosicherheit, die seit mehreren Jahren in der Forschung zu internationaler Sicherheit, globaler Gesundheit sowie in den Lebenswissenschaften geführt werden. Mit dem Begriff „Biosicherheit“ bezeichnet man Maßnahmen, die das versehentliche Freisetzen von Krankheitserregern aus Laboratorien verhüten (Biosafety) und den unbefugten Zugriff auf solche Erreger verhindern sollen (Biosecurity). Forschung an potenziell tödlichen Viren findet unter höchsten Sicherheits-Vorkehrungen statt. © gorodenkoff/ Getty images Das Risiko der Dual-Use-Forschung Dabei geht es neben vielen anderen Aspekten auch um die Frage, wie mit Forschungen umgegangen werden sollte, die zwar an sich nützlichen und legitimen Zielen folgen, aber ein hohes Missbrauchs- oder Schadenspotenzial bergen, wenn die befor

Is Dr Fauci the Mastermind Behind the Creation of SARS-CoV-2? - Part II

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, Pool This is part two of an article series detailing Dr. Fauci’s funding of Dual-Use Research of Concern (DURC) and Gain-of-function research through the NIH and NIAID. Part I can be found here. In the early part of 2003, doctors around the world became baffled by thousands of cases of people with flu-like symptoms and pneumonia. Originally beginning in the Hong Kong region and then spreading around the world, this mystery illness was killing people faster than they could be diagnosed. When American businessman Johnny Chen became ill on a flight to Singapore, the plane diverted to Hanoi in Vietnam to rush Chen to the hospital. There, doctors were unable to stop the progression of Chen’s symptoms, and within hours of his arrival, Chen was dead. Over the course of the next several days, nearly 40 people would become ill at that hospital with 7 of those people dying from this new mysterious disease. That disease went on to infect people all over the worl

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