motor and so it is a very expensive sport. that s why i have td hen great care of naptan best western, toyota, coca-cola, the folks that pay our bills. well done. race car drivers are the best at reciting their sponsors because there are so maies. and you do you do them eloquently. you also pointed out that was a dt thatb question. you have a team of 60 people and that s a problem. i i want to ask you about the show, fast track to fame march 1st 9 p.m. it is a talent show, but raonsng themed? it is a talent show at the racetrack based on the folks in nascar natio. th own you are a race fan or can sing and tell jokes we want you on our stage. we have three judges that will judge how you do. and if you win your event, your night when you are oae you go to our finals.