security for the capitol? why didn t they bring her in?hea why didn t they subpoena hernd records? why is it that they didn t talk peophe five people in the oval office on january 3rd that are all on record saying that donald trump authorize ared thee of of national guard troops days before january six , all a sleight of hand against you,ds the american people. and it s why we re going to continue to focus on the issues that matter mosts that, like sug inflation, crippling gas prices. no law, no order, rising crime, defund, dismantle, no a wideid bord southern border and so much more . ask yourselfer, why is ity do d democrats appear to beem bente on destroying your life in every way possible, that that? is what people will be voting on in twenty six days? ener oy din d yo26u abandon amen energy independence? why are you begging? ant s see, opec, saudiwhy arab why are they begging venezuela, irand , russia when we have more energy here in america, more domesti rc energy than
0 going to take your money. pass and when you pass up on that type of money, you have toyou re be committed to what you re doing. and at the wellness company, we will not be beholden to anybody. okay, well, here n to anyshee your headline right there. it s really simple. we re a health company that whse not controlledpany by the drug companies. exactly. but but, you know, these other companies. i m already on your side. but you know all these other companies. yeahcompanie, they are all owner pharma, these other virtual health care companies. they re drug dealers. so on fox nation, here s sean hannity. thank you as always, tuckeren ,and welcome to hannity. and tonight, joe biden, your president appears to be caught in a massive midterm election meddling scandal electo with foreign countries, as we conf scandw know, as confirmed e saudis and opec, which also, whc includes russia. they not only deniedh biden s numerous requests to increase oil productionrous req and thatn also the