Skin types can range from oily to dry, extreme dryness accompanied by rashes and itching can often denote the presence of a skin problem or skin disorder.
From dry winds in the winter to moisture-sapping sun in summer, your skin silently conveys tales of dryness and dehydration. A good skincare routine, therefore, is one that nurtures and replenishes your skin throughout the year. Try these DIY tips that ensure your skin stays healthy, hydrated and refreshed.
Everything means something: that zit, mole, rash, yellow nails and more. While there s no reason for alarm, it is a good idea to get a check-up if symptoms persist.
Dry skin can be painful and itchy, whether it is brought on by ageing, an underlying skin problem, or environmental causes. There are many home remedies for dry skin, but which ones are the most efficient? Find out right here
Dry Skin Causes, 5 Vitamin Deficiencies That Lead to Itchy And Flaky Skin, Signs Of Vitamin Deficiency, which vitamins cause itching, vitamin deficiency symptoms, vitamin b12 deficiency cause itchy skin, Vitamin Deficiency Affect the Skin, Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms,Treatment