A biased recall of history only serves to perpetuate old hatreds 02 June, 2021 00:59
The history of Ireland records many instances of barbarity from all sides, leading the 19th century historian William Lecky to observe: “It is far from clear on which side the balance of cruelty rests.” Attempting to balance the ledger of injustices via a biased recall of history serves only to perpetuate centuries old hatreds and sectarianism.
In a dissonant attempt to demonise integrated education C Hughes (May 17) seeks to valorise the atavistic myths and half-truths that continue to underpin the Catholic narrative. Somewhat paradoxically he calls for “Irish history to be introduced”, while ignoring the equally relevant historic events which inform the Protestant psyche. Where C Hughes recalls Cromwellian injustices, Penal Laws and England’s supposed “invasion” of Ireland, Protestants can point to the Irish Rebellion of 1641 (when thousands of their denomination