found brittney griner guilty as she was led away in handcuffs. britntney, how do you feel? i love my family. we start with fred pleitgen. what happens now? where do we go? hi, erica. essentially the court sentenced her to nine years in the penal colony. if she would send her, the fields are very far away from the russian capital. they re usually tough places as well. our understanding is that because her legal team say they re going to appeal this verdict, for now she s going to remain in the same detention facility outside of moscow that she has been insofar as long as an appeals process would take place. brittney griner, of course, was essentially appealing to the judge for leniency in a very long speech to the judge asking for leniency. let s listen to some of what she had to say. i know everybody keeps talking about political pawn and politics, but i hope that that is far from this courtroom. again, i had no intent on breaking any russian laws. i had no intent. i
1040 WHO is Des Moines news, traffic, and severe weather station. Max & Amy start your day at 4:59am , then at 9am it's Jeff Angelo's "Need to Know". At 11am we The Big Show, America's premiere farm radio show with Bob Quinn and Andy Petersen. The afternoon lineup is Clay Travis and Buck Sexton 1pm to 4pm and Simon Conway for 4pm-7pm.
WOC Newstalk 1420 is the Quad Cities place to talk! WOC is also the Quad Cities home for Iowa sports with a full slate of Iowa football and basketball games.
in some mysterious way, the illusion of the drug state seem to fashion their way in life. it is a debate that goes back decades. is cannabis and essentially harmless recreational substance, something no more dangerous than alcohol or tobacco, or is it the gateway drug that can have long term damaging effects, particularly on the young? the answer, at least for lawmakers in malta seems to be the former rather than the later. they have voted to legalise the drug, allowing adults to carry seven grams and also to allow growth at home. we are going to give inaudible by making sure that people who make use of cannabis now have a