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A Bargara woman admitted to smoking three bongs before driving in Gladstone, a court heard.
Jane Deborah Van Meegen, 52, pleaded guilty in the Gladstone Magistrates Court on Tuesday to drug driving.
Prosecutor Kelvin Boyd read the facts of Van Meegen’s case to the court and Acting Magistrate Ron Muirhead.
Police from the Calliope Road Policing Unit intercepted Van Meegen on Dawson Road, West Gladstone at 10.13am on March 15.
Van Meegen submitted to a roadside drug test which returned a positive result and she was taken to the Gladstone Police Station for further testing.
When questioned, Van Meegen admitted to smoking three bongs which contained cannabis and could offer no emergency reason for driving.
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A Gladstone man made frank admissions to drug use after being intercepted by police on a busy road.
Blair Rowland Skipper, 45, pleaded guilty in Gladstone Magistrates Court on Tuesday to drug-driving.
Police Prosecutor Carl Spargo read the facts of Skipperâs case to the court and Magistrate Bevan Manthey.
On October 24 last year, about 11.30am, Skipper was intercepted by police from the Calliope Road Policing Unit patrolling Tank St, Gladstone, and submitted to a roadside drug test.
Skipper returned a positive to cannabis.
The 19-year-old pleaded guilty to the offence.
On March 2 about 7.30pm, police from Calliope Road Policing Unit were conducting patrols on the Dawson Hwy, West Gladstone, when they intercepted a blue Mazda ute.
Wise identified himself as the driver and submitted to a roadside drug test which returned a positive to cannabis.
“This shows that anywhere, anytime, you can expect to see police on our roads,” he said.
“We can pop up near industrial locations, residential or major arterials.
“We are tired of having to go to serious road crashes, where people’s loved ones are being harmed, injured or killed.”
It comes after a similar operation on the Bruce Highway at the Glasshouse Mountains last week when more than 700 motorists were subject to a roadside test.
Of those, 16 people recorded positive readings for drug and alcohol.
Unlike the Bruce Highway sting where motorists were diverted off the highway, the Maroochydore Rd operation will be done at random.
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In an odd turn of events, a defendant appearing in Biloela Magistrates Court thanked the Magistrate before receiving his punishment.
Austin Wayne Potgieter pleaded guilty on Wednesday to one count of drug-driving.
The court heard police were conducting static roadside breath and drug testing on Old Maryborough Rd, Gayndah, at 3.15pm on July 23 last year.
The officers stopped Potgieter, driving a black Ford sedan, and he submitted to a saliva test which returned a positive reading.
When police questioned Potgieter, a P-plater at the time, about any recent drug use he made full admissions to smoking cannabis a day earlier.