but as shock set in, leads poured in. witnesses reported strangers lurking. a car speeding through the neighborhood. and there were footprints out behind the house. putting alarms on every door because somebody is out there. but detectives, they decided the killer wasn t out there, but inside the house. now, with one of their own under arrest, the family was furious. you see these people, this is love. this is belief. this is human being. please listen to us. then investigators rush to judgment. do you have any idea, beyond your own fevered imaginations that happened? you don t have a clue! i think i do have a clue. was the real clear lure still out there? hello, and welcome to the line. and unexplained death can free even the strongest family of ties. but when tragedy struck the buenos household, grief pulled them closer. the crime scene seemed to tell one story. but as investigators look deeper, they wondered if this loving family had a killer in their mitts
investigator, but this would be his first big homicide case as lee detective. and lo and behold i did not know when i was walking into until i saw a picture on the wall and realized whose house i was in. you knew these people? i did. i went to high school with the second oldest son, jacob. and here he found himself looking at the bloodied bloody body of his mother. the one who brought cookies to all the games at school. who could have done this? detective stone house had been on the force well enough to know that violent crown was up around here, ever since california s overcrowded prisons nearby were forced to reduce population, and had to release some potentially dangerous offenders like drug attics, possibly desperate for money for a fix. so was this a home of asian robbery gone wrong? the detective took a look around the house, he and fellow officers got around the neighborhood. there were some footprints outside the property right? there was, there was a wood fence t