churches in the region to and public school officials to get state funding for dropout prevention programs. and brought together african-american and latino leaders to help set up after-school programs. because when we help keep kids off the street and we give them a productive way to spend their time, then graduation rates go up. so that s a commitment that i ve carried with me to the oval office. and today i want to announce steps my administration will take to help end the dropout crisis in the african-american community, in the latino community, and in the larger american community. because we know that about 12% of america s schools produce 50% of america s dropouts, we re going to focus on helping states and school districts turn around their 5,000 lowest performing schools in the next five years. and arnie will be amplifying and providing details on how we can do this. we ll not only challenge states to identify high schools with
officials to get state funding for dropout prevention programs. and brought together african-american and latino leaders to help set up after school programs because when we help keep kids off the streets, when we give them a productive way to spend their time, then graduation rates go up. so that s a commitment i ve carried with me to the oval office and today i want to announce steps my administration will take to help end the dropout crisis in the african-american community, the latino community and the larger american communities. because we know that about 12% of american schools produce 50% of america s dropouts. we re going to focus on helping states and school districts turn around their 5,000 lowest performing schools in the next five years and arnie will be amplifying and providing details on how we can do this. we ll not only challenge states to identify high schools with