Spain is among the EU countries where it is cheaper to hire a worker, even though the hourly labor cost has increased by 1 euro during 2020
In 2020, despite the impact of the coronavirus on companies, employment, and the economy in general,
the cost borne by companies for their workers has increased again, both in the European Union and in most of its member countries, including Spain, while the labor cost has decreased compared to the previous year only in Croatia, Malta, Cyprus, and Ireland, in the absence of updated data from Greece.
This can be seen from the statistics on labor costs per hour in the EU countries just published by Eurostat, which reveal that EU companies have seen an average increase of 2.9% in the wage costs and social security contributions they pay for their employees, to an average of 28.5 euros per hour, which rises to 32.3 euros per hour in the 19 countries of the Eurozone.
Consultancy joins the 4-day week: the founder of Advantage Consultores assures that its implementation has brought only advantages .
In addition, the 4-day work week has received an important boost from the institutions after the Government approved a pilot project with which it will subsidize with some 250,000 euros each of the 200 companies with between 6 and 200 employees that have been selected to experiment the implementation of the 4-day work week without reducing the salaries of their workers.
Advantage Consultores, an international consulting firm specializing in headhunting based in Barcelona, Madrid, and Nuremberg, which
implemented the 4-day week in January without reducing the salary of its workers.