A driverless taxi slows down on a dark San Francisco street and is quickly surrounded by a group of masked figures.Using traffic cones stolen from the streets, the activists have been disabling driverless taxis operated by Waymo and Cruise the only two companies currently authorized in San Francisco.
Ten self-driving taxis will be deployed for public use in Jumeirah area by the end of this year, with fares comparable to limo taxis, a senior official at ..
WUHAN, Dec. 27 (Xinhua) Chinese tech giant Baidu announced on Monday that it has expanded the commercial operation area and times of its driverless taxi serv
it isn t at, like, a racetrack or testing facility. we are fully in the centre of san francisco. and james went for a ride in a title for driverless taxi. later, it will be present giving time although i have to give you this now. catch. ooh, thank you! it s like one of those massage balls i had to use after my shoulder operation. it is not give it a bounce. ball beeps in different tones. 0h, musical! it is, indeed. i ll explain more later. nice! yeah, i ll have it back now, thanks. but first, we re gonna hear a different kind of high note. yes nick kwek has been on a flying visit to france. remember this? yes! whoa! what about this? galop infernal by offenbach plays. jet ski champion turned real life green goblin franky zapata has been zipping around our airways for a while now but four years on, i m back