Senior news
By Wende Kluener - For PCCOA
PREBLE COUNTY We are currently living in unprecedented times, and this provides ample opportunity for scammers to come up with new ways to take advantage of unsuspecting people. These scams are often targeted at the elderly, and it is essential that we are aware of the types of scams these individuals will try. Right now, there are two major scams that are happening: contact tracing scams and COVID-19 testing scams.
Contact tracing is the process of identifying and contacting people who have been in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. Contact tracers will work with someone who is positive to collect the names and numbers of anyone they have been in
Senior news
PREBLE COUNTY The Preble County Council on Aging has several great opportunities for seniors.
Senior Day Celebration
The Preble County Council on Aging will host a Senior Day Celebration Drive Thru on Tuesday, May 11 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 800 E. St. Clair Street in Eaton.
This is a “drive-thru” event so you will be able to stay in the comfort of your vehicle! Why so many exclamation points you ask? Because we are SO excited to spend time with you! We have invited all of our community partners to join us and they are bringing all sorts of giveaways. There will be music, popcorn, lunch, door prizes and more.
Senior news
PREBLE COUNTY The Preble County Council on Aging has several great opportunities for seniors.
PCCOA Volunteer of the Year
In years past, the staff at the PCCOA honors its volunteers during April with a very special event, including dinner and an awards ceremony. This year we will honor our volunteers for 2020 and feature a Volunteer of the Year, but in a different way. With social distancing restrictions still in place, our staff will be honoring our volunteers with a “drive through” event. Each volunteer will drive through and pick up a hot meal and a goodie-box. I spoke with Stacey Fullmer, Senior Center Services Manager, about the 2019 Volunteer of the Year.
Senior Edition: Spring Cleaning
PREBLE COUNTY The Preble County Council on Aging has several great opportunities for seniors.
Seniors Spring Cleaning Tips: How to Help Your Aging Loved One Tidy Up Their Home
Spring is a time notorious for cleaning, sorting, organizing, painting, opening the windows, cleaning up the yard – generally getting a fresh start after winter. While these tasks are definitely important, for seniors they may be difficult at best. Is there a senior you know who could use a helping hand with some “spring cleaning?” You can volunteer to help! Please consider the following tips from the Institute on Aging on assisting friends and loved ones with important tasks. For more information visit