to delay family planning as much as possible, before you get your education, get smart. be financially smart. because you will have to make financial decisions over your future. we re call young women to invest in themselves. for women who are employers, to be 21st century employers. if they re hiring women, pay them a living wage. a living wage in some states is different than others. if we have small businesses, educate people about what programs are out there that could help lift them out of poverty. the earned income tax credit. many people are eligible for these programs. they know nothing about. if you run businesses, you know, talk to the people that are on the ground, so to speak. what do they need. what kind of workplace will help them thrive. we have a drive index in there, which talks to businesses about how they can support women, retain women, and promote women nbc news, special anchor, maria shriver, thank you for not only appearing this morning, but also for your work