In West Virginia, unless someone other than the driver gets hurt, someone riding a lawn mower, or any vehicle, on private land that is not open to the public for vehicular travel would not be changed with a DUI under the current WV Code.
RUTHERFORD COUNTY, TN - Rutherford County Sheriff’s Deputy Zach Williams earned the “Top Enforcer” Award for DUI arrests for Tennessee sheriffs’ offices from Mothers Against Drunk Driving Thursday. Williams charged 51 drivers with DUI in 2022.
According to the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office, Williams was one of 115 law enforcement officers in Tennessee to earn awards at the 2023 MADD Tennessee Statewide Night of Remembers and Awards Ceremony Thursd
Alex O .
As you embark on your journeys in and around our Pine Tree State, it wouldn’t hurt to familiarize yourself with toll booth etiquette to ensure a hassle-free and pleasant experience for both yourself and the toll workers.