GRAMPIAN — Although periods of rain dampened some of the fun throughout the Grampian-Penn-Bloom Festival and Homecoming, the committee was able to persevere and activities continued throughout the four days.
Drexel Lee Pentz
Past job: Coal miner
It s been a while since I met 86 year old Drexel Lee Pentz of Grampian, Pennsylvania. He was showing his 1956 Mack B61 ST (
ST for
It was a pleasant but brief interview. Others had questions for the kindly octogenarian. His rare Hayward, California-built beauty with dual factory air breathers and twin stacks attracted scores of inquiries throughout the day. Still, there had to be more to the man than just this one rig, glorious though it was. I put 4 million miles on a B-Model, and I wasn t man enough to wear it out.