Ballet Dancer Searches for Roommate, Finds A Lot of Thirst
“I’m going to consider my marriage proposal as pending,” said one admirer. January 26 2021 12:04 PM EST
When Saverio Pescucci placed an ad looking for a room to rent in New York City’s notoriously difficult rental market, the 29-year-old muscular dancer told the
New York Post he found a lot more thirsty admirers than available housing.
“I think the ballet picture did it,” he explained.
The classically trained ballet dancer from Tuscany, Italy, placed an advertisement with a few select photos on the Facebook group Gypsy Housing, hoping one of their 280,000-plus members would have a suitable room he could rent in Brooklyn or downtown Manhattan. While the global pandemic temporarily quarantined his Broadway career, he figured his “super chill” demeanor and new job at an Italian food distributor would make him a shoe-in applicant for a tenant with a vacancy. What happened instead is that he became one of t