that voice launched a thousand job offers, actually, i should say tens of thousands if you can believe dollars in offers. ted williams is heading to rehab, according to a spokeswoman with the dr. phil show. dr. phil convinced ted williams to enter treatment after he admitted he had not been sober for two years as he previously stated. next, tucked away for decades and decades acre magz discovery at a church in business which is, this bible you are looking at here, guess how old it is? just 340 years old. the centuries old relic was in this old safe under heaps of old books and pamphlets. inside the bible, a treasure chest of old german catechisms, many 100 years ol. the german bible was printed way back in 1670. it weighs 20 pounds and its cover is made of pigskin over boards with brass corners and clasps. next, a dream ride, take a good long look this had could be yours, john lennon s first car